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What are Crime Codes

California law defines each crime according to a specific code section. The Penal Code defines the vast majority of the crimes. But the Vehicle Code addresses certain crimes involving cars, motor vehicles and driving. The Health & Safety Code addresses most crimes involving marijuana or narcotics. You can find more information about California Criminal Codes on our FAQ page.

What does California Criminal Code 602 Mean?

602 Trespassing
602.1 Interference With Business Customers
602.10 Obstructing A Student Or Teacher
602.1(A) Interference W/Business Customers
602.1(B) Interference With Employees Of Public Agency
602.1(C) Any person engaged in lawful labor union activities that are permitted to be carried out on the property by state or federal law.
602.2 Any ordinance or resolution adopted by a county which requires written permission to enter vacant or unimproved private land from either the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession of private land, shall not apply unless the land is immediately adjacent and contiguous to residential property, or enclosed by fence, or under cultivation, or posted with signs forbidding trespass, displayed at intervals of not less than three to a mile, along all exterior boundaries and at all roads and trails entering the private land.
602.3 A lodger who remains on the premises of an owner-occupied dwelling unit after receipt of a notice terminating the hiring,
602.3(A) Lodger who remains on the premises of an owner-occupied dwelling unit after receipt of a notice terminating the hiring, and expiration of the notice period.
602.4 Unauthorized Entry To Sell/Peddle/Etc At Airport

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